Monday, June 29, 2020

Your Scent

Your scent
& the beat of your heart
Both resounding from your chest
The fiercest nibbles
You bite into mine
Our long lady legs intertwined
I taste your skin, silky and sweet
And I’m spun
I stop worrying that you’ll run
Just breathe
You in again
You set out to enchant
My affections forever
and you’ve won.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

New Poem

My girlfriend and I both love bagels. As we were jokingly comparing each other to the different kinds of bagels we like yesterday, we suddenly had the idea to write poems for each other based on this idea. My favorite kind is the everything bagel, but I once had a chocolate chip bagel that blew my mind. Lauren favors the cinnamon raisin variety. I was surprised that I wound up creating a piece so sincere, one that didn't turn out cheesy, so here it is:

Everything Lauren

She has everything
I desire
Smooth, round hips
And lips like chocolate chips
Her skin like cinnamon
And I can't help but give in
She is small but she nourishes me
Her sense of humor is salty
But she softens it
With a layer of sweetness
Every day I marvel at her
And vow to keep exploring
Everything Lauren.